About Us

About Us

About Us

Ross Merken

Ross Merken

For the past four decades Ross has developed and supported order processing and accounting software for manufactures, importers, and distributors. Over the past two decades he's focused increasingly on meeting the specializeds needs of the beer, wine, and spirits industry. Ross designed and developed Cave from the ground up as a 100% cloud-based solution with no limits on scale, feature expansion, or customizability. He holds a degree in Management Information Systems from the University of South Carolina and lives in Winter Park, Colorado

Matt Cory

Matt Cory

Matt was the 5th hire at SevenFifty, where he served as the national sales director and senior marketplace director. Prior to SevenFifty, Matt worked both as wine buyer for large retailers and as distributor sales rep, sales manager, and owner. For the past two decades he's focused on creating and improving software to help distributors sell more effectively. He holds a PhD in philosophy from SUNY Binghamton and lives in Charleston, South Carolina.



Cave is built on state-of-the-art ColdFusion from Adobe, the leading provider of cloud development tools linked to MySQL, in turn the leading open-source database used by Fortune-100 companies. Cave is built for stability, for flexibility, and most of all to perform fast.

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