Main Features List

Main Features List

Main Features List

Financial Accounting

Financial Accounting

Remote order-entry for reps.
Purchasing tools for accurate laid-in costs.
Multi-warehouse inventory control.
Accounts payable & accounts receivable.
Sales & purchasing dashboards.
Financial reporting.

Product Portfolio

Product Portfolio

Track detailed product information, including region, appellation, commune, and grape variety.
Track product ratings from unlimited publications.
Sophisticated modeling of multiple pricing structures.
Streamlined management of product vintages.
Easy item creation via cloning, importing, and direct entry.

Industry-Specific Reporting

Industry-Specific Reporting

Depletions, compliance, price posting, customer contract pricing, etc.
Depletion allowance automation.
Vendor bill-back automation.
Vintage-specific and vintageless reporting.
Custom exports to Excel and CSV for state submissions.
Reporting in gallons, litters, bottles, cases and by ABV and by jurisdiction.

Customer Relationships

Customer Relationships

Allocations at the level of the rep, the customer, and the channel.
By-the-glass tracking supports allocations, depletion reporting, and purchase planning.
CRM tracking of detailed customer interactions.
Customer portal, allows buyers to search across your portfolio, their ordering activity, and their invoices.
Tailored custom price lists.

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